Inside Unreal: DLSS and RTXGI with NVIDIA

Have you checked if dx12 is turned on? You have to turn it on manually in the Project Settings (search RHI).

Doesn’t seem like infinite bounce has been implemented in rtxgi yet, which is bizarre given that hysteresis is a symptom of infinite bounce. Maybe I’m doing something wrong? I have tried adding a second smaller and more dense DDGI volume to the objects, but doesn’t make a difference.

Any news on DLSS being available? This topic is kind of a complete joke as it stands since no one can get it and nvidia just ignores requests for it.

Are you looking for this?

This is pointless. DLSS and GI still unavailable for mortals who just wanna check it out.

I don’t understand, can you not access this with your GitHub-linked Epic games account? Can you be a bit more specific what you mean by “mortals who just wanna check it out”?

That repo is RTX + DLSS and doesn’t seem to require any special access, which was your original question I responded to “Any news on DLSS being available?”

I think you are probably referring to being a registered Nvidia Developer. I can’t speak for Nvidia but afaik you need to at least register as a Gameworks Developer to begin to access all of their SDKs unless something gets added to the public UE4 Engine by Epic themselves (not likely for RTXGI or DLSS since they are Nvidia-specific). Seems like you’ll need to do that in order to get an application ID so that the code available in the link above actually works for you.

Just got approved today for RTXGI. I’ve made the request sometime before Christmas. I think everybody at NVIDIA was out during holidays.

DLSS requires a key to be obtained from nvidia or it will refuse to run.

Did you show them your game or app? Because in my case I don’t have anything to show and my request still marked as pending. I sent it right after the video about it was out.

Just my film production work in progress website:

I had some errors preventing me to apply the RTXGI patch.

There is a problem with EOL (end of lines) settings in the repo and the patch depending on how you download them (Win style or Linux style)

More on my issues here:

Totally confused… What is the point of nvidia promoting ue4 rtxgi plugin and then not providing access?

On the other hand, it sounds like it’s not quite ready for prime time…so maybe they are trying to avoid wasting people’s time.

But if that is the case, they probably should’nt promote it until they are ready for people to try it out and give feedback.


My DLSS application just got accepted, after 5 months.

Same here, applied 9/4/20. Maybe it’s a sign that the tech is getting to be robust enough that they’re opening the floodgates? I hope RTGI will follow soon after…

RTXGI was accepted within 1 day, months ago. Maybe you need to apply again?

Thanks, I just reapplied. Maybe rejected last time due to no company/university affiliation? I’m just an indie with some projects on my website.

Honestly at this point, we’re getting close enough to UE5 preview version (a few more months?) that I’m not losing sleep over getting access to RTXGI…

EDIT: Sweet, I just got approved for RTXGI as well… I guess they’ve caught up with the queue :wink:

Alas, my application for RTXGI denied.

Not sure why - and no way to reapply…


Maybe if I attached the receipt for the 3090 they would approve?

World needs a properly working DLSS open alternative in future that can be used by everyone without waiting someone to allow or deny.

EDIT: Seems that Nvidia is now changed and gave plugin for Unreal, very good.

Strange there’s no way to reapply – maybe I was able to because my initial application glitched somehow? It disappeared off my pending applications list on Nvidia Dev website, which I assumed meant rejected. But I just applied again and was approved within 24 hours.

Maybe reach out to Richard Cowgill (the Nvidia evangelist who originally presented this stream):

Not sure he has any way to help you resolve this, but maybe he can point you to someone who can…

Good luck!