Inside Unreal: DLSS and RTXGI with NVIDIA

I was able to build this new version successfully and I’m impressed with the new RTGI, especially the denoiser. Like many, I have applied for the RTXGI plugin but have not received a response :frowning: can’t wait to give it a go in indoor/outdoor combined scenes which the current RTGI solution struggles with.
Will the RTGI work concurrently with RTXGI? You showed RTXGI and SSGI working simultaneously in the webinar but I was curious if the former work together.

same here. caustics looks really amazing, but i wish to see RTXGI in the scene like this

I was able to gain access to RTXGI today and ran some tests with an adaptation of the ArchViz interior scene. For lighting I used only an HDRI for Richard Yot’s amazing collection and used the HDRI background tool from the Marketplace. This isn’t the best way to light for noise free results, I was just trying to push the limits of how far the RTXGI lighting could go in scenes with blank walls. I think that paired with SSGI, RTXGI is a great solution for truly realtime GI with much less noise and much faster frame rates than the current RTGI final gather at default settings. Hopefully, the folks at NVIDIA might figure out a way to combine the RTGI for finer shadow details with the relatively noiseless RTXGI for most of the scene.

cool, glad for you, i’m still waiting… RTXGI looks nice, but Path Tracing looks better (more accurate) in my point of view, just a bit noisy.

This is a worst-case scenario scene for RTXGI, with lots of blank walls. On scenes with plenty of textures and such the differences are minimal. It would be nice for Unreal to make the Path Tracer production-ready and support all material types. Right now it’s not usable for foliage and it has no denoiser builtin. It is much faster for previewing than Octane for Unreal though, especially on large scenes.

I have been experimenting with the RTXGi, and it can do quite a decent job. One problem is the systems sensitivity to light brightness.
Using physically correct values for sun brightness makes it about 3000 times too bright and RtxGi makes effectively 0 contribution to scene lighting, and all the probes appear black.

Its like the contribution from RTXGi to the scene lighting is set at some arbitrary amount, and to get it to work properly I need to turn all my lights down so that the relative brightness of RTXGi is correct, but even in a scene with just HDRI, and few lights this is time consuming and quite tricky (I am very used to basing my lights relative brightness on a sun brightness of 75000 lux, but I need to drop this to 20Lux for RTXGi to work)-(I have also set the irradiance bits to 32)

As mentioned above by @**PrizmIzm **the indirect lighting intensity value on lights could be used to good effect here, But I was also thinking a master brightness value for RTXGi contributions could be very useful to allow calibration for physically accurate lighting values.

In general I really like this approach, Its not as accurate as RtGi, but it looks good, and performs significantly better then final gather Rtgi . This type of thing really could eliminate lightmapping and baking at some point.

After getting the Caustics branch up and running, I gotta say, its pretty awesome!
The caustics stuff is really cool, but I love the new RtGi.
All the extra settings are great and the new denoiser is fantastic.
Final gather looks so much closer to Brute force now and I can really only see the noise on untextured surfaces in partial soft shadow.
Also being able to have ray traced shading, refraction and absorption in reflections is fantastic, I do interior kitchen and bathroom renders and this improves the look of mirrors quite a bit.

Like RTXGi the caustics stuff only works with low level lighting values, not physically correct values, so hopefully this can be addressed, but it is not a deal breaker, just an inconvenience.

Is there any timeline for when these new caustics and RT features will become part of the main branch?

i have applied for rtxgi on nvidia website but didnot get any reply. how did you get rtxgi? Rtxgi and rtgi is different?

I’m surprised that RTXGI is NOT going to be part of 5.0. Why? Also can anyone confirm whether the experimental caustics branch is still available? Keep getting a 404 after linking my github.

Assuming you mean UE5, afaik it’s because it requires an nvidia card. UE4’s raytracing implementation uses DXR so in theory AMDs cards will support it in the future

thank you, caustics looks very interesting, there is a huge field to play, i just don’t get what’s the difference between approving rtxgi and caustics branches. why not open rtxgi branch as caustics branch without promising any support for “non corporate” customers? are there some secret R&D? )

so i’ve tried opening sample projects, everything working well so far. But cant get it to work for my new project.Caustics not working at allll. Is anyone worked it out?

try Cast Mesh Caustic in your light(s) = on:


i turned on that also materials, lights and post process volume. But still no luck. Oh and also, mesh normals not working in caustics. I see polygons on my caustics, so what do i do?

yes for the DLSS its really confusing. However i managed to get RTXGi but i have errors while patching it through cmd. Can you help me with this?

when i patch RTXGi through cmd i am getting following error -
error: patch failed: Engine/Source/Runtime/Renderer/Private/DeferredShadingRenderer.cpp:1318 error: Engine/Source/Runtime/Renderer/Private/DeferredShadingRenderer.cpp: patch does not apply error: patch failed: Engine/Source/Runtime/Renderer/Private/RayTracing/RayTracingLighting.h:14 error: Engine/Source/Runtime/Renderer/Private/RayTracing/RayTracingLighting.h: patch does not apply

I am using NvRTX_Caustics version.

thanks for sharing this tips. It got patched but it is not working shadows are black and there is no light bounce in the editor even after RTXGi plugin is enabled and DDGI volume placed in editor. Any idea how to solve this?

Got the same problem on RTX 3080 and latest drivers. Any solutions?

DDGi volume not working inside editor. No lightbounce :frowning:

Is there any update on the RTXGI avaliability? I really could use this solution right about now lol.

decksounds13 +1