Disclaimer: Absolute beginner here.
I created this VR blueprint for internal review in my company and all it has to do is switch between models and move around based on keyboard inputs.
Input posted by anonymous | blueprintUE | PasteBin For Unreal Engine
It was working well, until it wasn’t, seemingly (to me) quite at random;
I have two issues :
- Movement input doesn’t work anymore
When the HMD is connected, the movement input stops working. Rather, the input works correctly as it goes through to a print string with correct values, but the movement just does not happen.
So, the input actions and values are transferred to the Add World Transform node, but that does nothing;
If i disable the HMD and do a simple window preview, everything works as intended.
The model switch works without issues both in VR and not, which makes me think there is some setting i need to check/uncheck regarding movement.
The weirdest part is that yesterday, everything was working, and i did not change anything, at least willingly.
I have found This forum post which appears to be a similar issue but none of the solutions in it have worked.
- Hand Tracking still works but mesh is hidden
The hand tracking still works, but since i restarted my engine, the hand meshes are now hidden. I can see their shadow on the ground. I used the metaXR plugin
Anyone has any ideas?
Thank you in advance!
I am working in 5.3.2 with an Oculus Quest 2 using MetaXR 1.97.0