Input Trigger Device doesn't work on mobile when joining a game in progress

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?



Input Trigger Device doesn’t work on mobile phone (Android) when joining a game that is already in progress.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Add an Input Trigger Device to the Island with settings that will affect the player and any registered player behavior setting.
  2. Upload to Private Version.
  3. Use any device to start a game on the island.
  4. Observe that the input trigger device is working fine for the first device.
  5. Use a separate mobile device (e.g. Andoid) to join the same island session.
  6. Observe that the input trigger device is not being displayed on the screen.

Expected Result

Input Trigger buttons/description text should be displayed when the player is registered to the Input Trigger Device.

Observed Result

Input Trigger buttons/description text is not being displayed on the screen and thus not usable.


Samsung Galaxy S9 - Android 10

Island Code


Additional Notes

I have verified that Input Trigger Device is working fine when joining a game in progress using PC (keyboard & mouse) and this issue appears to only affect Mobile.

I have the same exact issue, were you able to find a solution? I made sure to call the Input Trigger’s Register function on the newly added player as well but it still isn’t working. This takes away a lot of functionality from my game on mobile and is nearly game breaking, would appreciate if this bug got fixed! Or if someone found some trick to help solve, please let me know thanks!

FORT-785258 incident has been created. Status is ‘Unconfirmed’.

This was fixed

Closing as fixed

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