Initiating a Conversation with a Player while they are Jumping Breaks Their Game (Have to Close Client)


If you initiate a conversation with a player via verse InitiateConversation(agent) while the player is jumping, the player’s game will break.

The player’s cursor is freed, but no conversation HUD is shown. The players cannot control their character or pause. They have to close their client.

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What Type of Bug are you experiencing?


Steps to Reproduce

  1. call InitiateConversation() on a player that is jumping
  2. observe player’s game becomes stuck

Expected Result

Can still initiate conversations with jumping players. If not, their game should not break.

Observed Result

Cannot initiate conversations with jumping players. If you do, their game breaks.



If you initiate a conversation immediately after a player joins the game, the conversation HUD will not show on the players screen.

Trying to re-initiate the conversation will also fail, until the player respawns. Once the player has respawned, initiating the conversation will work again (it is possible that manually hiding the conversation would also allow the conversation to be shown)

If you Sleep for ~2s after player joined event, and then initiate the conversation, the HUD will reliably show. Sleeping for less time works for some platforms, but Xbox requires the longest amount of time to load.

There is something happening with showing HUD too soon after player join in progress, and i think this issue is being caused by automatic show settings as well

@OohWowow could I get an island code from you so we can repro this here?

Thank you!

One more ping for @OohWowow

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sorry for the delay! trying to find some time to get this together for you guys, on my list :smiley:

FORT-869946’s status has changed to ‘Ready for QA’. A member of the QA department is investigating the issue.