Ive been creating a custom volume for a project, and ive inherited from PhysicsVolume, mimicking the way PainCausingVolume works. But when i try to compile it, it gives the following linker errors.
I make custom physics volumes all the time in many projects! So rest assured it can be done quite easily
class ASolusPhysicsVolume : public APhysicsVolume
/** Are the water physics enabled? This is to be turned off for testing purposes, it must ALSO be a water volume using the normal property. This allows you to distinguish between effects caused by Epic's water code and my additional physics code. */
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category="Solus Water Physics Volume")
bool SolusWaterPhysicsEnabled;
/** Make this number as small as possible. It is normalized vertical range of volume, 0 to 1. 0.3 = 30% of the way up from the bottom. */
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category="Solus Water Physics Volume ~ Performance")
float SolusWaterPhysics_DisableWhenObjectBelow_Z_Level;
Did you start a sample 4.4 project?
They changed the default include from Engine.h to EngineMinimal.h