Infinity/Endless Runner

The example you have provided no longer works with Engine version 4.3.1 . I get an error while opening the map. It’s as follows

../../../../../../Documents/Unreal Projects/AVAD/Content/Maps/UFORunnerMap.umap is a future UE4 map file [Cur:385], from an engine release newer than this [Max:382]!

Any idea how to fix this? Please do reply! I’m counting on you!!

I upgraded the project to 4.4.0 preview build. So you need that or newer version to open.

How did you spawn the coins in your game??

How did you spawn the coins in your game?? I’m very interested to know it…

Thanks for the project, just watching the video helped me with ideas

Have a look at my endless runner template:–endless-runner-shooter-template