In cinema 4d (as I’m sure is the case in many 3d packages), you can composite your floor with your background to make it look like your floor expands infinitely. Does anyone know how to accomplish this look in unreal? Here’s an example of what I’m trying to create:
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I would just make a huge scaled up floor static mesh and then either use fog or a pixeldepth material to fade to the color for your background.
To make a manual pixeldepth fade material that behaves like fog is pretty simple.
Add this mesh:
Scale it up large enough to cover your scene. Then create a new material. Set it to unlit and translucent. Under the material properties find and set “Disable Depth Test” to true. Make a VectorParameter called Color and hook that to emissive.
For Opacity, take (“PixelDepth” - ScalarParam(offset)) / ScalarParam(FadeLength).
You could also use stuff like ExponentialDensity to make the depth exponential like fog.
thank you! I’ll give this a try.