i have Created a Mod for Pavlov VR and now i Want to add in My world some Indoor Scenes like Shop or Cave Stuff.
It is a Deddicated Server Map for Multiplayer.
I dont want to travel between servers to do that stuff.
In my world i have a day Night Cycle with effect Heightfog Light Densety and also a material parameter.
In the Indoor Scenes i dont want to have these effects.
So I thought i can load this stuff in seperate Levels. But if I stream a level the Lights of the Streamed Level Effects the MainWorld. Is this normal Behavior of Streaming Levels or did i do something wrong?
This is normal behavior for streamed levels. Some people even put lighting on it’s own streamed level for these effects. Are you unloading the previous level with the lighting? If you’re planning on doing completely separate levels anyways why not just use ‘Open Level’?
Another solution you could explore but would be a lot of ground work would be lighting channels.
i tried Open Level but i cant assign player to this level i think i dont know how i can add players to the level i have opened and whats about the main level? is it also loaded if i open a new level?
i cant find any tutroial stuff about this thematic
My fault, I did not read that you were doing multiplayer. The correct use case should be ServerTravel. I would read through the documentation for multiplayer travel as it is fairly complicated and has several nuances.
I found a solution without Servertravel. Just add a dynamic material instance for all actors in the indoor scene and add a “Lever” 0/1 alpha to the material that changes color brightnes in day night cycle
but there is some other Problem
to add the Indoor scene i use this node
and in Singleplayer it works fine
but if i tried on server the level is not load for the player it seams the level itself is loaded but the actors inside the Level are not valid for the player ( not visible no collision). NPCs of the indoorsceene level they spawned after from the BP inside the inddorsceeneLevel are visible and it seams they interact with the indoor sceene level (it is invisible but they walk in the sky so i think there is any floor with collsiion for the npcs)
I have attempted to use level instancing at length testing in a replicated environment. Level instancing WILL NOT WORK for loading in things that need to be replicated. Actors that normally replicate will only be loaded in clientside and when loaded on the server will not load on clients until each client runs “Load Level Instance”. Essentially level instancing will give each client their own copy of the level.
To actually get the effect you’d want you need to use Level Streaming. This will properly load in the levels for all connected players as soon as its called on the server.