Hi Guys,
I put a fire particle system in to a scene and noticed that the indirect lighting not only leaks through the fireplace walls, but also only shows when the camera is oriented towards/near it, and it is quite a drastic change. The indirect lighting literally just pops in to view. Screenshots attached.
Here you can see just the lighting from the spotlights.
And only when the fire starts to come in to view, it begins showing its indirect light. How can I make it so its always there?
Hi Fexception,
This sounds like the bounds are too small for your particle system. Click the drop down next to the Bounds button at the top of your particle system window. Select “Set Fixed Bounds” next you want to enter in values for the fixed relative bounds that are large enough for your needs. (all these areas are pointed out in first screenshot)
The reason why the light is shutting off is because the particle system is automatically optimized to stop rendering when off screen. Think of the bounds as an area where while you are inside it the particle system will render.
Regarding the bleeding effect you can fix this by clicking on the light module and towards the bottom of the settings you will see a checkbox labeled “High Quality Lights” Check this and the bleeding should stop. (see second screenshot)
If your issues still persist feel free to leave a comment and let me know!