Hello Unreal friends!
I’m more comfortable with the art side of the engine, so I always struggle with stuff like this - any help would be lovely!
I’m prototyping an arrow (mesh) that will appear above the players head and point to the objective. I have a working version of this, however, the problem is that the target that I would like the arrow to point toward can only be set in the level by making a selection:
The problem with this is:
- I’d like to nest this arrow in all player blueprints (seems easy) AND
- The object I’d like to target is our Game Ball - and our game ball is inside of a blueprint all it’s own.
Here’s my current blueprint for the indicator arrow:
So - I’d like to get the world location of my Game Ball mesh but that’s located in it’s very own blueprint. I have no clue how to retrieve it’s location and, even if what I’d like to do is possible?
Any thoughts on this? Thanks so much in advance!