Index Trouble

So im working on a template based level generator and i got most of it working except for a small issue

Currently im using this on my own PCManager class


#include "PCGame.h"
#include "PCRoom.h"
#include "RoomStartPoint.h"
#include "RoomEndPoint.h"
#include "PCManager.h"

UPCManager::UPCManager(const class FPostConstructInitializeProperties& PCIP)
	: Super(PCIP)


TSubclassOf<class APCRoom> UPCManager::GetRandomRoom(bool bSpawnRoom)
	int32 RandomRoomIdx = FMath::RandRange(0, CurrentTheme.LinkedRooms.Num()); // first get a random room

	if (CurrentTheme.LinkedRooms.IsValidIndex(RandomRoomIdx) == true) // if our index is valid
		if (bSpawnRoom == true)
		{ // TODO:Make the spawn room random!
             if (CurrentTheme.LinkedRooms[0]->GetDefaultObject<APCRoom>()->bIsSpawnRoom) // And the room is marked as a spawn room
                      return CurrentTheme.LinkedRooms[0]; // then return this random room

			RandomRoomIdx = RandomRoomIdx = FMath::RandRange(0, CurrentTheme.LinkedRooms.Num()); // first get a random room
		     if (CurrentTheme.LinkedRooms.IsValidIndex(RandomRoomIdx) == true) // if our index is valid
			     if (CurrentTheme.LinkedRooms[RandomRoomIdx]->GetDefaultObject<APCRoom>()->bSpawned == false) // if the room hasnt been spawned
				    if (CurrentTheme.LinkedRooms[RandomRoomIdx]->GetDefaultObject<APCRoom>()->bIsSpawnRoom == false) // and its not an spawn room
					return CurrentTheme.LinkedRooms[RandomRoomIdx];
return NULL;

void UPCManager::InitGeneration()
	bool bSpawnedInitialRoom = false;
	FVector SpawnLoc;
	FRotator TheRot;
	FActorSpawnParameters SpawnInfo;
	FVector PrevRoomLoc;
	FVector SpawnPoint, EndPoint;

	TObjectIterator<APlayerController> ThePC;
	if (!ThePC) return;

	PCWorld = ThePC->GetWorld();

	if (bGenerateFullLevelOnStart) // 
		FVector AlignLoc;
		TSubclassOf<APCRoom> RoomToSpawn = GetRandomRoom(true); // 
			int32 RoomIdx = CurrentTheme.LinkedRooms.Find(RoomToSpawn);
			for (TActorIterator<APlayerStart> ActorItr(PCWorld); ActorItr; ++ActorItr) // 
				RoomToSpawn = CurrentTheme.LinkedRooms[0];
				APCRoom* T = PCWorld->SpawnActor<APCRoom>(RoomToSpawn, ActorItr->GetActorLocation(), ActorItr->GetActorRotation(), SpawnInfo); // Spawn the room
				if (CurrentTheme.LinkedRooms.IsValidIndex(RoomIdx)) // Make sure the index is valid before accessing it
                  CurrentTheme.LinkedRooms[RoomIdx]->GetDefaultObject<APCRoom>()->bSpawned = true; // we spawned this room so mark it as that
				GeneratedRoomsForTheme = CurrentTheme.MaxRoomsForTheme;
				UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Spawned the spawn room"));

		for (int32 i = 0; i < CurrentTheme.MaxRoomsForTheme; i++) //Loop for all the rooms that the level should have 
			TArray<USceneComponent*> comps; // Store a array for the first component
			TArray<USceneComponent*> proomcomps; // Store previous room components
			TSubclassOf<APCRoom> NewRoom = GetRandomRoom(false); // Get a Random Normal Room to spawn next to the spawn room

		    CurrentRoom = PCWorld->SpawnActor<APCRoom>(NewRoom, FVector(0,0,0), TheRot, SpawnInfo); // Spawn the New Room next to the spawn room
			SpawnedRooms.Add(CurrentRoom); // add the new room to the array
			UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Spawned a new Current Room"));
			PreviousRoom = SpawnedRooms[SpawnedRooms.Num() - 1]; //(Crashing Here)
			// So we can properly offset it

			PreviousRoom->GetComponents(comps); // loop trough all the "Previous room" components and get its ending point
			for (auto Components : comps) // get the spawn location for the new room
				URoomEndPoint* SpawnPo = Cast<URoomEndPoint>(Components);
				if (SpawnPo)
					SpawnPoint = SpawnPo->GetComponentLocation();


			CurrentRoom->GetComponents(comps); // Loop trough the current room and set its start point / root to the new location
				for (auto Components : comps) // get the spawn location for the new room
					URoomStartPoint* EndPointsz = Cast<URoomStartPoint>(Components);
					if (EndPointsz)


As it can be seen i first spawn a "Spawn room " at the level player start actor, i add the spawned room to a array so i can keep a track of it, now based on a int ( MaxRoomsPerTheme ) i loop and spawn a set of random rooms in no order and add them to the array, Now since they need to be aligned

I Get the "Ending Point " ( Custom actor placed in the blueprint ) Which holds the location of where the Room ends / space where the next room can be spawned on , The issue is that when i try to access the previous room ( SpawnedRooms.Num() - 1 ) , The editor crashes i Logged the array length and it is greather than 1 so it cant be invalid…

Quick sanity check: Make sure your SpawnedRooms array is a UPROPERTY. Otherwise the spawned room actors will get garbage collected next time the GC runs (the GC will think that nothing references your room actors and destroys them).

If your array is already a UPROPERTY, then please post the callstack for the crash, so we can take a look at what exactly is crashing, thanks!