Independent Client-based Component Visibility

I’m very sorry, but i can’t find an answer, not in threads, not in videos.

What i need:
Sort Clients by Team of their possessed Character.
Send Multicast Event (or Dispatcher, or RepNotify).
Force these sorted out Clients to run their own (not replicated) event, to get their own local version (not server) of a server-spawned (replicated) Actor with a Component (Sprite/Mesh/etc), and set this Component (invisible by default) of the local version of Actor to Visible (for yourself ONLY).

Basically, Actor needs to be Replicated, but Component — Not Replicated, and have independent Visibility On/Off for a different Clients.
But i can’t achieve it by any way.

(In this case its a “Help” ping icon, which need to be visible for a one team, and stay invisible to an opposite team, but i need this functionality for a Characters Meshes too, teammates can see each other, but opponents don’t, except of vision radius)

(one of many tries, Actor is Replicated, Component is Not Replicated, but replicates anyway, or other Clients do not set component Visible for ourselves, despite they have their own event for this)

I tried all 4 types of Custom Events (Not Replicated, Multicast, Run on Server, Run on Owning Client), chains of events (Multicast→Not Replicated, Run on Server→Multicast→Run on Owning Client, etc), I tried to mix Replicated/Not Replicated for Actor/Component, different types of sorting (team/is locally controlled/players array/etc) dozens of combinations, nothing works as intended.

How to achieve this?

The struggle is real.
Obi-Wan, you are my only hope :pray:t2:

i’m not a mp coder, but let me try to get this. is the scene component for the sprite/mesh replicated too? that would mean changing the visibility would change it on the server and hence everybody would see it.

a local/client side/not replicated copy could be toggled without running and updating on the server side.