Is there any way to increase the edge detection threshold in UE4? I am currently using the post-process effect from the Stylized Render example.
If you don’t get my question,
This is what I have:
This is what I want:
Is there any way to increase the edge detection threshold in UE4? I am currently using the post-process effect from the Stylized Render example.
If you don’t get my question,
This is what I have:
This is what I want:
That’s a picture of the material called ‘M_PostProcess_Base’.
Find and open that.
Find the node that’s a value of ‘-300’ with the description ‘Edge Angle Falloff’. It’s bottom right in the pic.
Adjust that to a lower value for more sensitive lines.
I’ve been trying to find out how to do it to the point where I started seeing real life in cel-shader. -.5 works the best for me. Again, thank you so much!
Another thing though, do you know how to cleanly make the lines thinner?