I’ve found out, that UE4 renders Material Billboard with translucent material differently on Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S7 in GearVR mode (haven’t tested without GearVR). It’s correct on S6. On S7, gradient is missing, and it seems to render full color wherever opacity>0. [Sample project][1] included. Tested on 4.11.2.
At the moment I’ve not been able to test this in one of our later editor builds, but just wanted to see if you could test something on your end while I look into this.
Do you see the same issue if you package without the GearVR plugin enabled?
Do you see the same issue in the 4.12 Preview releases that are available on the Epic Games Launcher?
Can you confirm if this is happening without the GearVR plugin enabled? At the moment I’m seeing correct transparency in a launched build without the GearVR. I’ve got to sort some issues to get my GearVR to launch though. Just need confirmation you’re seeing the same on your end in a non-GearVR build as well.
I’ll see if I can test this, but currently we don’t have any S7’s in our building that is using a stock firmware. We have one that’s closest to stock, but I can’t recall if it was Mali or Snapdragon processor.
Also, can you test this on 4.12 preview 4 build that is currently available in the Epic Games Launcher. If this was an issue it may have already been solved as well.
IIRC too there have been some known issues that are version related for the Mali and Snapdragon’s that is for Samsung to resolve, but again, I’m not 100% sure on that. I’ll look into it and see. In the meantime if you could test on 4.12 and see if you see the same issue that would help greatly.