Hi All,
I have an issue with a texture or material map of some of imported to UE4 meshes. I create my meshes in 3ds max.
The problem has started only recently.
Below steps I follow:
- In 3ds max:
- created a mesh
- attached all elements to unwrap and export as one mesh
- unwrapped 2 map channel (image below ‘a’)
- exported (image below ‘b’)
2 in UE4
- imported into UE4 (image below ‘c’)
My issue is seen below, as a map on mesh is very small and chequer is incorrect. Whenever I gonna try to assign material it’s pixelating it (not sure what word should I use).
When I tried to create a simple box in 3 ds max (in the same file what previous mesh) UE4 is importing it correctly (as below):
I’m not allowed to attache another image but material looks ok.
The problem are the UVs
Those UVs are not apt for use. It looks like the default unwrap is separating a lot of tiny faces which is what is causing the problem here. I’m not an expert on 3ds Max but I would suggest doing a box UV mapping of this object and then polish them if needed.
Look at this example
No tiny faces or vertex by themselves
Thank you for quick respond.
I will try to work on my UV map.
Hello again.
I’ve unwrapped again simplified mesh in 3ds max and applied checker. Not sure but in 3ds max seems to look ok. When I export mesh into UE4 have the same issue again on some elements.
Hmmm that is so weird. Can you send me the last version of your FBX so I can try it? I would just try multiple importing options.
Please find attached my file, thank you for any help. link text
Finally I found a solution to my problem.
As MacDx mentioned it was related to my UV map.
I focused on a second channel but at the end channel 1 was my main problem.
1st UV channel is usually for standard baked textures to be mapped from
2nd UV channel is for the lightmap.
Whenever I’ve created UV map in 3ds max for channel 1 &2 I never “Collapse” it and that caused me a problem. If modifier “Unwrap UVW” is not collapsed 3ds max can’t save it.
Bellow 3ds max steps for anyone who would have similar problems to mine:
- when you make your uv on first channel you need to collapse it
- add unwrap uv modifier again
- switch to channel 2 and click abandon
- when you finish with second uv collapse it again.