Alright so I’m simply using this:
On a ACharacter that is being AI-controlled.
It does not behave properly, the yaw rotation will either be set to 0 or 180 no matter what the FQuat NewRotation is.
However if I create a new task and place it in the behavior tree, and in this task I simply set actor rotation to an arbitrary rotation, the AI pawn’s rotation will be correct.
I’ve tested this and it makes no sense, I don’t know why this is limited. Why can’t you set an AI pawn’s rotation outside of a BT task?
Now I have to make a new task for this simple process.
As for the AI pawn settings, i’ve disabled “Use Controller Rotation Yaw” and in the character movement component, it is set to “Orient Rotation to Movement”
I’ve tried toying with these settings, and turning all rotation controls off (so the AI pawn does not rotate at all during movement) and simply using:
and it’s the same result.
Basically, AI-controlled pawns will only use SetActorRotation properly when it’s called within a task/behavior tree.