Incorrect lightmap on Adreno 330 device when using two sided material

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create new default level
  2. List item
  3. List item
  4. Add two cube SM
  5. Create two materials with white (1,1,1) diffuse
  6. Check “use with static meshes” property on each material
  7. Set one material to tow sided mode, leave other with default settings
  8. Assign two materials to two cubes
  9. Build map
  10. Launch on Adreno 330 device

Cube with two-sided material assigned will turn black


Can you provide the device model number that you’re using? I tested on a SM-G900P (Samsung Galaxy S5 - Full phone specifications), which uses an Adreno 330, but I didn’t see the same issue in 4.14.

Depending on what your device is and if we have a similar test device I may have more questions.



Hi, I am using Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro 10.1 (T520)