IncludeOrderVersion warning when compiling

i upgraded my project and when i compile i get a warning that the default include order has changed. But i could not find anything on what exactly changed. I am sure that has been documented in some place, but i cant find it. Can someone point me there?

Best Regards

Not sure if this will help but here is a link

Also, I have this in my target.cs files for 5.2.1 (I didn’t change it to .Unreal5_2 when I upgraded and it still compiles)

// Latest will always use the current engine version (may cause compile errors)
// IncludeOrderVersion = EngineIncludeOrderVersion.Latest;

// Unreal5_0 = 5.0, Unreal5_1 = 5.1 and so on, may need to use an earlier version for backward-compatible include order
IncludeOrderVersion = EngineIncludeOrderVersion.Unreal5_1; 

So either delete the lines like the link suggests or make sure the IncludeOrderVersion is set to the correct version.

My question was more about what had changed in the unreal enigne that made the confguration flag neccesary. My project builds fine, but i only get that warning.