I have a problem I have been ignoring for months now, but I really have to face it now!
I have version 4.17.2, working in VR with HTC Vive.
My problem is, that whenever I start playing my game, I see a second pair of hands (additionally to my motion controller hands in front of me) on the ground. In Version 4.16, it used to be just one hand and it wouldnt move at all, but now, having updated to 4.17.2, there are both hands on the ground and they replicate the movements I do with the proper hands - except from that they wouldnt replicate the grap movement - so it cant be a shadow?!
When editing my game in the viewport, I cant see these hands.
I have tried to setup a completely new game to find my mistake, and the same is happening in this game.
This might sound as a very weird problem and it is hard to describe, but I don’t know how to solve it. The additional hands dont actually look like shadows but it kind of seems like they were. I have already tried to uncheck all “cast shadow” stuff, but it didnt help.
Maybe someone can help me? I would be very thankful !
It sounds like you are possessing your pawn twice. is there a PlayerStart actor in addition to your MotionControllerPawn? Are you overriding GameMode? Is your actor set to autopossess ‘player0’?
Thanks for your answer! I hadnt had a PlayerStart actor, but adding one just now did not change anything.
And yes I have a GameMode called MyGameMode, inside I edited the Pawn and I changed it in the World Settings - is this what you mean by “overriding GameMode”?
I’m back at version 4.16 now, and it is very confusing because while playing, that one additional hand is only sitting right in the middle of the room on the floor, doing nothing.
Maybe you have different ideas? Thank you again already!
I was having the same problem using a custom GameMode with default player set to ‘None’ and manually spawning two VR MotionControllerPawns into a Listen-Server-and-Client setup. Searching the project for potential culprits, I realized that I had checked the replication box in the BP_MotionController blueprint in an earlier attempt to get replication working. Once I unchecked it and tested it on both machines using the ‘Launch Game’ option (can be found by right-clicking on the ‘.uproject’ file), the duplicate hands disappeared.