In Unreal 4.27 How do we enable settings for Path Tracer in Render Queue


In UE 4.27 Preview we add Path Tracer to Render Queue settings and turn it on.

The Render Queue does use path tracer.

How-ever it does not use the PathTracer settings contained within the PostProcessVolumne in the level.

Also the Path Tracer in settings in the Render Que does not appear to have any settings.

We testing by having our path tracer settings in the posprocess volume have very high samples per pixel. Everything looked right in the viewport.

But when we render it behaves as if pathtracer has 1 sample per pixel and zero denoising.

Any help is greatly appreciated

(post deleted by author)


I was having similar issues, and not having any luck using the anti-aliasing settings to replicate the lovely visual in my viewport. The work-around I found is using the legacy movie renderer from the sequencer – it includes the settings needed to get a good result from the pathtracer. Hopefully soon the movie render queue will as well…

This video explains pretty well, how you use the Pathtracer with Movie Render Queue and what to keep an eye on, and some tips for settings:


Thats about as good as it can get for solutions. Many thanks :slight_smile: