In map custom Verse devices sometimes checked out when not changed

Please select what you are reporting on:

Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?

Unreal Revision Control


Sometimes (but not always), making any edit to a custom verse file will result in all custom verse devices being checked out for edit (even for classes in other files)

Steps to Reproduce

Create a project with several different custom verse devices
Place several instances of each device in a map
Make a change to any of the verse files and save it and then compile verse
Observe what files are automatically checked out

Expected Result

Only devices of the type that were changed (and ideally only if an editable field was changed) are checked out by version control

Observed Result

Sometimes (not 100%) all VerseDevice_C actors in the map will be checked out regardless of what actual custom verse device class they are.
