I want to make an in-game shop/ store but I don’t now how to do it in blueprint or c++, but I tink I can do it in C#. I want a tutorial about an in-game shop and that unreal engine get C# coding.
I don’t tink taht Unreal Engine 4 can make an in-game shop/ store, and if that is true, then this engine is not good to use.
If you can make an in-game shop/ store, then it is 1 of the moust powerfull engine in my book.
Want to code in C#, way is it no C# coding in Unreal? Only C++ and Blueprint.
If C# come to unreal engine then I use it more the Unity.
What kind of store do you want to make, with in-game currency or real money?
A store to buy items like weapon and food etc… In-game money only. I hope you can and will make a video tutorial.