My material editor shows :
Texture samplers: 6/16
And compile pass , but in packing process i get warning’s :
t: Display: LogShaderCompilers: Warning: (): shader uses 14 samplers exceeding the limit of 8
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (Multi:ASTC,PVRTC,DXT,ATC,ETC2,ETC1)): Cook: LogInit: Display: LogShaderCompilers: Warning: Failed to compile Material /Game/Weapons/Materials/MagGun_MatB.MagGun_MatB for platform GLSL_ES2, Default Material will be used in game.
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (Multi:ASTC,PVRTC,DXT,ATC,ETC2,ETC1)): Cook: LogInit: Display: LogShaderCompilers: Warning: (): shader uses 15 samplers exceeding the limit of 8
Any suggest ?