Improve Performance in Small Level

Yo wasup homies (yeah i know now everyone gonna ignore this question, but come on, seriously, its just dumb to choose to say “hi” or “hello” insted of “wasup homie”, and yeah i ve just finished gta v, so please understand and forgive)

I ve got a small as peach level that aint gonna run smoothly.

It’s just my kitchen, some burgers, coke, pc and books, and a garden with lots of bushes and trees that eat a lot of performance.

But thats okay cause you know what? There are levels with much more bigger amount of trees, grass blah-blah, quality textures and etc.

I mean I dont run some old sheet-as granny, I smoothly run such a graphically advanced game as SOMA, that is 20 times superior to my sheet-as level in desing.

Okay, now to details:

I have 262 actors on my scene, most of which are box brushes.

So how do I make it run with acceptable fps rate?


Another pic ma little

Answers, please

Why no answers??? Please fking answer somebody!!!111

“My car is broken how to fix it?”

You are too vague, we need more details on the assets you used, lighting setup and such. Screenshots don’t help that much.

Or swearing.

  1. whats your definition of an aceptible frame rate?

  2. It’s sounds like your using BSP brush’es. Which is fine for basic level blocking but the performance will be bad due to the way that BSP in UE4 works…

Ive recently been losing my sanity by trawling though UE4’s BSP code and I can tell you this much,

Depending on how the engine calculates the BSP tree along with what materials you have applied to each surface; A single Box Brush can end up generating up to 6 UModelComponents in the level. Thats 12 drawcalls for a single box.

When your happy with the level convert the brushes to static meshes.

  1. whats your definition of an aceptible frame rate?
    teenage maximalism, please

  2. Cheers mate, that helped a lot.

This guy… Not sure if serious or…

Well, can you do the basic checks?

  • How many vertices are in the scene? (As in, did you use many highpoly models? (Wireframe screens please!)).
  • How large did you made the textures? (1024² ? 8192²?)
  • Tell us whats going on in your level!

teenage maximalism?? What is that?

  • What kind of hardware are you running (GPU model, CPU model) ?
  • What framerate are you getting ? Close to 10, 30, 50 ? You can use “stat fps” in the console when launching the game in a new window.
  • What kind of triangle count do you have on your objects (like your pencils, or magazine etc - they appear aliased like they are very high poly ?)

Oh wow wow how many answers))
Thanks guys
Yes, I am serious. Just suffer from depression, and being excessively dumb.

I don’t want to make it more terrible, but could you please tell me how do count the amount of vertices?

Also, I ve tried converting bsp into static meshes - but this didnt make any impact on performance. Also i deleted all grass and trees from the level. This also didnt help at all.

>What framerate are you getting ?
5-9 when LIT
40-70 in UNLIT

>What kind of hardware are you running
Well, to be honest, it’a laptop. From 2012. So yes, its a sheet-as$ granny.
GPU AMD 7600M. CPU I7- 3610 QM, RAM 8gb.

  1. Wireframe screens.

It also says that blah-blah, Texture Streaming Pool over 128mb.
Is it too bad? Thanks for replies:))

Well to start with, you’re never going to have great performance on that device - the GPU is not good enough. But let’s go on…

The triangle count is shown in the staticmesh infos, when opening a mesh in the content browser.