Importing String Tables from C++

Hello, I’m having trouble importing .csv files as string tables in C++.

I’ve followed the instructions from this tutorial by Benui but the tables still aren’t visible inside the editor, and I just get <Missing string table entry> when I try to reference a table in C++.

This is what my C++ looks like inside my MyProject.cpp file:

#include "MyProject.h"
#include "Internationalization/StringTableRegistry.h"
#include "Modules/ModuleManager.h"

void FMyProject::StartupModule()


	// Trying to create a new one didn't work either
	LOCTABLE_SETSTRING("CodeStringTable","HelloWorld","Hello World!");
	LOCTABLE_SETMETA("CodeStringTable","HelloWorld","Comment","This is a comment about hello world");
	LOCTABLE_SETSTRING("CodeStringTable","GoodbyeWorld","Goodbye World!");
	LOCTABLE_SETMETA("CodeStringTable","GoodbyeWorld","Comment","This is a comment about goodbye world");

void FMyProject::ShutdownModule()

IMPLEMENT_PRIMARY_GAME_MODULE( FDefaultGameModuleImpl, MyProject, "MyProject" );

I’ve included the directory (NonAssets) in the “Additional NonAssets to include”, which is at the root of my Content folder.

The format of my CSV files are like so:

"SomeKeyText","Text that corresponds to the key."

Would greatly appreciate some help!


Hey! A wild guess, does your project root contain a space? Like, “My Documents/…”?

(It’s just Unreal has this bug with spaces in paths when it comes to CSV string tables: Editor and Loc Dashboard fail to load CSV string tables if there's a space in the path)