Importing OGG at runtime as a Metasound source

I’m trying to import OGG files in UE5 and use them as a Metasound source. I cannot use the Runtime Audio Importer plugin, since it’s incompatible with MS. I tried using some existing solutions for UE4, but they don’t seem to work anymore:

TArray<uint8> Data;
FFileHelper::LoadFileToArray(Data, *Path);

FSoundQualityInfo QualityInfo;
FVorbisAudioInfo AudioInfo;
AudioInfo.ReadCompressedInfo(Data.GetData(), Data.Num(), &QualityInfo);

const auto NewSound = NewObject<USoundWave>();

NewSound->DecompressionType = EDecompressionType::DTYPE_RealTime;
NewSound->SoundGroup = ESoundGroup::SOUNDGROUP_Music;
NewSound->NumChannels = QualityInfo.NumChannels;
NewSound->Duration = QualityInfo.Duration;
NewSound->RawPCMDataSize = QualityInfo.SampleDataSize;

const auto BulkData = NewSound->GetCompressedData("OGG");

FMemory::Memcpy(BulkData->Realloc(Data.Num()), Data.GetData(), Data.Num());

The problem here is that NewSound->GetCompressedData("OGG"); returns nullptr. Is there any way to do this?

Hi, it is actually compatible, please refer to this documentation page: 7. MetaSounds Integration · gtreshchev/RuntimeAudioImporter Wiki · GitHub