Importing Laser Scan Data

Has there been any bugs found for importing laser scan data?
I have tried to import data on two machines using version 1.4 and it wont import.
A colleague has imported the same pointcloud and settings on an old version of capturing reality and it has worked straight away.

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Which versions did you and your colleague use? Do you receive an error or a message on import? Was it the same point cloud; the same one transferred to a different PC, or the same point cloud exported in a third-party software to a usable format on two different occasions?

Both the same point cloud produced from the same software.
Both PCs that it didnt work on were using 1.4. The PC with 1.3 it worked straight away.
Then copied the project from 1.3 and opened in 1.4 and still worked.

I have the same issue.
When trying to import .e57 setups , registered and exported from cyclone (leica) i get instantly an error message, import failed (console: Processing failed: Operation failed 0x5070).
Worked always with 1.3, import set as using existing registration, noise free, custom path.

@TerraMeasurement @Klabautermann_M
Can you share your E57 file with us?