I see what you mean.
I also notice there isn’t much about it on the web. That usually means the answer is simple. I fear it may be just a matter of converting them into meshes in Blender just for the duration of the export.
I see what you mean.
I also notice there isn’t much about it on the web. That usually means the answer is simple. I fear it may be just a matter of converting them into meshes in Blender just for the duration of the export.
So I’ve got an object in Blender that looks like this:
Note in particular the highlighted orange hinges. Those are all duplicates of the central hinge in the middle (so they can share things like UV maps).
However, when I import this FBX to UE4, the hinges are all gone except the original!
How can I make UE4’s import process preserve the duplicate object instances?
(I know the issue is UE4 because I opened the FBX with MS Paint 3D and the duplicate object instances are there correctly)
It feels weird to fix an issue in Blender that’s clearly mostly in Unreal…
It basically means one can’t really use duplicate objects when making meshes for Unreal, sure I can keep them duplicate in Blender except for when I export, but what’s the point then?
Yeah, this can’t be done. Blender duplicates aren’t preserved in Unreal, basically because Unreal flattens the container / vertexes relationship that Blender uses to represent duplicates.
This post has more info: Duplicate linked rigged meshes do not appear in Unreal - #2 by DamianJ - Animation and Rigging - Blender Artists Community