Importing Downloaded Blueprints

Hey Guys I downloaded a unreal project from the internet. When I opened that I noticed like I have compilation errors in almost every blueprints. The problem is all the variables are not compiled so I should delete that and get that variable and connect it again. This is impossible to do for almost 60+ blueprints. So is there anyway to open my project or do something else and remove all the blueprint compilation errors.

If you can see I have a error in the main menu reference. To solve this I have to delete that and get the main menu from the variables tab and reconnect the node. Hope you understand my problem.

Would Appreciate any help!!

When variables are completely missing, there’s an option in the context menu (right mouse button) to create the variable. This makes life easier than removing the node and creating a new one.
Also, the context menu can offer options named “refresh node” or similar, don’t remember how it exactly is called - this maybe helps with your MainMenu.
Not sure, if there’s some magic for refreshing everything. There exists a free plugin, but I did never use that one. So why not give it a try?


Hello Iroidhdr17, I am sorry to hear your references broke.

Sometimes, this can happen due to filepath changes, especially with downloaded files. I would also check if the project itself required any plugins, in case a reference may be related to that. Regardless, I did find a relatable thread that does go over a similar circumstance to your current conundrum.

Here, the members speak on using reference viewer and version control for people who want to host their projects for download.

The plugin suggestion from herb64 looks pretty neat, but just as well, I cannot speak on the validity of this being a solution. I like herb64’s idea of right clicking the broken variable and just creating it from there. After that, I would check where the variable is initially set to ensure everything is as expected.

Have a great day.

You could first try “File” → “Refresh All nodes” from within the Blueprint Editor on your MainMenu blueprint. If that works, then you could try the RefreshAllNodes plugin. If that doesn’t work, then don’t bother with the plugin- it just does the same thing to every blueprint.


Nope refresh all node didn’t work

No refreshing node didn’t work. Also my variables are available correctly in right side variable tab as shown in picture the problem is I have to get it and reconnect it!

Is that project you downloaded a freely available one, so that someone could test this as well? (although I doubt, looking at the variable names, it looks like it is a quite complex complete game)
Does it contain C++ code as well? If so, did all C++ stuff get compiled, so that BP can rely on its base classes? Just some ideas coming into my mind…

I downloaded from this link. I tried to open the project but I am getting compilation errors. Just If possible and try figuring it out.

Hi, thanks for the link, I just did give it a try. I also run into issues and need to fix stuff manually step by step. From the log, the first issues are with the MainMenu Level BP along with the Game Instance…
I’ll try to do some more checking later, but for now it looks there’s no magic option to make it compile in a single run…

If you get succeed please do let me know…

Hi @Iroidhdr17, doing some more tests show, that it really seems to get a mess.

The first complaint comes in MainMenu LevelBP - complains on GameInstance.

Main point starts out to be the BP_GameInstance, which does not compile. Many errors with widget setup. Example With LoadingScreen widget:

Need to change Variable type from Object to WB_LoadingScreen. Then can Fix class in Create Widget. First need to compile WB_LoadingScreen Blueprint, so that we can actually select it (although it appears in the list). Then reconnect pin. Now add to viewport works.

Problems now appear with all the other widgets. E.g. ShowHostMenu path in BP_GameInstance. Here, we cannot change the type of variable, also cannot set the class in Create Widget - it is simply not there. Checking WB_HostServerMenu, which obviously seems to be the intended class - it does not compile. And guess what: it relies on BP_GameInstance. But: compiling it with failure at least makes it available in the classes so that we now can fixup GameInstance.

Same with the other Widgets.

I did not get through all of them (yet) - but I’m pretty sure, once these are fixed and GameInstance compiles, the widgets should compile as well.

Not sure, what other surprises wait… I still do not see any other way, that this painful path fixing up issues like this.

Seriously bro seems like you are really into it. Good luck going through the painful path fixing it up. Update your status everyone We’ll keep on following you…

All the best!

There seem to be many more problems … doing an asset validation shows 63 errors, and getting things like this:

I’m not sure, if I will go through all of this. If I have some idea for some single setting root cause, like fixing some redirectors (did try this already), I’ll give that a try and let you know. But somehow it looks like the project is in a really bad shape overall and too large to go into that.
