Importing custom HLOD proxy mesh to replace a group of mesh

Hello, I would like to import my own static mesh to replace a group of mesh based on distance (just like HLOD but without using the auto-generated HLOD meshes).

I’m aware how to add LOD to an actor, but I would like to merge (2 or 2000 actors for example) into one static mesh (that work just like HLOD with the viewport, simulated game, compiled game, and movie render queue sequence rendering)

My topic is duplicate of Impostor LOD + Proxy HLOD Tool, can't specify individual mesh?, but I don’t know how to use this forum (as it’s a talk forum and not a help forum like stackexchange) so here is a new topic (hoping someone answer this post, I’ve asked Joe Radak from unreal learning by mail, but he doesn’t know)

Is it even possible ?

Just wondering if you ever found an answer to this? I’d also like to import my own HLOD mesh

Nope, this forum is a discussion forum, i’m waiting until epic games instore some sort of stack-overflow to have bounty, and point with vote and ranking system, maybe there may be more people interesting in improving the information access and problem solving of this big engine.