I was working on a project some time back. When I got back to it, quite a few critical components had a new versions, so I decided to redo it (UE also moved, the old project was on 5.3.x, new is on 5.4.4)
That said, I had a few smaller Niagara components I thought I’d just reuse (smoke emitter, water spray emitter), so I went and imported them to the new project.
But when I migrated the components to the new project they are incredibly slow, slowing the editor and everything. Adding just one is enough to make it very hard to do anything, but adding more doesn’t have slow much more after that.
I tried running the old project on UE 5.4.4, and that runs still ok. The only new component that is computational is Waterline Pro (old used 5, new is on 6), but I don’t believe it’s that.
Is there any way to figure out why it could be so slow? Next step, I’ll just try to recreate it in the new project and see whether it’s the import or something else…