I have a BP actor, with a design-visible material variable, that it assigns to its static mesh in the construction script.
Now, when I click on the variable in the world designer, the pop-up (or drop-down) menu includes all of the materials from a different import, but it only includes 3 materials from the Jade & Marble pack (3 jade mats, they are also not rendering properly - no textures or normal maps it would seem).
The arrow button to ‘Use Selected Asset from the Content Browser’ also doesn’t work while say the CleanWhite marble material is clearly selected.
What is odd is that the materials are clearly previewable if you click on them; they look great. In the provided demo scene, the meshes also display their materials properly.
Does anyone know what might be causing this issue? I’m in 4.20.3. Thank you.
I am able to drop all of the materials onto a plain static mesh that’s in the world, yes, however; they clearly do not have textures. I also checked the variable type; it is ‘Material → Object Reference’ under Object Types. I’m going to try updating to the 4.21 to see if this fixes the issue.
I successfully installed 4.21.2 and converted my project. I then had the same issue with the material pack. After that I closed the project, deleted the folder and all of its contents (via file browser), and re-imported the asset pack via the Epic Games Launcher. I have the exact same issue. 3 of the 20 materials are visible in the pop-up menu on the blueprint actors, and any material, when dragged onto a simple static mesh in the world editor, does not show textures or normal maps.
Can you think of any other conflicts that could possibly be happening here?
Apologies, I’ve just realized that the reason textures weren’t appearing is because my meshes don’t have UVs… pretty noobish mistake. It’s also clear that 17 out of the 20 materials in the Jade pack are material instances. So I will go figure out how to apply a material instance as a variable from the world editor. Hopefully I will soon mark this as solved.
You’ll have to excuse me if I ask some obvious stuff here…
The way you’re only seeing 3 of 20 materials in the BP setting does sound very like variable type. Are the other 17 instances? ( there’s an awful lot of ‘…material…’ possibilities in the variable types ).
As far as dropping the mats onto a simple cube in the world goes, have you tried it in a blank project?
Really appreciate your help. ‘Material Interface’ is the variable type to use if you want to see both Mats and Material Instances (I assumed both would be visible). And sorry for not trying the basic cube earlier as well, I didn’t have the starter content in this project and assumed a basic cube that I modeled would be fine.