Imported large .fbx clipping settings

Hi, I am very new to UE editing, I made a (very) basic model in blender which I intended to use as a basis/block out for scaling and stuff for a map I intend to make in UEFN, when I bring the fbx in, the whole object seems to be surrounded by a ‘no clip’ cube. Is there a setting I need to change in the Static Mesh properties? - what I mean is basically the white object in the image below which I intended to use to test how vertical a pathway could be etc. and as a basis for my map design is basically a large block once the map is tested in FN :

I thought it might be under collision settings, so I tried ‘FortBuildingMesh’, but that also didnt seem to work.

Thank you very much for any help

Hi Raytrace, Welcome to the Forums.

I’d describe it more as a ‘collision volume’ than “no clip cube”.

If you open up the mesh in the static mesh viewer, you can 1. remove the auto-generated collision and 2. Set ‘use complex collision as simple’ which will use the mesh triangles as collision.

Let us know if you’re still having troubles.


While we are on the subject of custom collisions for meshes, I’d like to add that it is well worth investing the time to play with adding (and transforming) simple sphere and box collisions to supply the collisions for the meshes. Optimal collisions (and removing them altogether when you don’t need them) seems to help framerate and in some cases the effectiveness of AI.

I’d say one of the biggest flaws in UEFN now is the inability to remove collisions from props (it acts like you can, but you really cannot).

thanks very much, my old Q3A mapping (badly :p) days makes me say things like ‘no clip’ :smiley:

thanks that did actually work to a certain extent, though my feet kinda sink into the mesh.

I’m getting the below warnings when bringing stuff in - even for (extremely) plain and un distorted shapes such as a plain walkway mesh (i.e. two faces extruded from a cube mesh):

the smoothing one, ok I can turn on export smooth groups in blender - but the other two I don’t really understand, as it is such a simple/‘clean’ mesh - is it something to do with world/object origins and applying transformations/scale type issues in blender?

is it a feasible way to make a map by importing meshes in, or should they only really be used as guides for polys you create within UE itself?

thanks for your help

Hey r4ytrace, Nostalgia +, I used to play with GTKRadient (Badly too), I was right into RTCW.

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Hey man yeah those were the days haha - bsp compiles taking overnight and crashing :stuck_out_tongue:

Here was one of my maps still somehow exists on the internet - scating review lol, I do take offence to the curved corners not being caulked though, they definitely were :o:

Good God - more than 23 years :confused:

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Caulk, he he 20 years on and I’m still adjusting to caulklessness on this engine and fear using anything other than integers on transforms.

That review sounds unfair and 2 scores that I’m sure would have been better if they weren’t 16 & 20 years after upload date.

Looks cool anyway, nice brushwork.

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well that review was actually at the time tbh, my second map I made was much nicer but I can’t find it anywhere, it was more of a standard Q2DM1 ish tourney map, but I had some really nice custom alpha’d .tga textures and stuff in it, but I can’t find it anywhere on my old HDs or on the internets :(. I was playing a lot of Q3A about a year ago, there was a server that was basically a Rocket Arena server, I started making a map then too, didn’t finish it as usual though. My kids are playing Fortnite all the time, and I see them playing maps that are literally just boxes, so I told em I’d make a map for them :stuck_out_tongue:

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You’re welcome,

Creating meshes in Blender and importing is completely feasible. (Although there is something to be said about the ease of creating meshes in-editor)

I did a google search and found some threads on nearly zero bi-normals and degenerate tangent bases.


Very cool that I can play that map linked above in my browser with the click of a button.

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thanks Ill check out those threads

yeah it is amazing quake.js running in browser, in fact on the server I played in about a year ago, I didn’t realise for ages that most people in there were actually playing in browser :o -

I actually was very much in the Quake > Unreal camp at the time, if I thought I’d eventually just give in and try to make maps in UE 23 years later :stuck_out_tongue:

tbh it wasn’t really the engine, it was more of a Quake as multiplayer game vs UT type thing.

I was always dead jealous of how Unreal maps didn’t have to make sure no light bounces ‘escaped’, I’m not sure if this is correct, but I remember reading at the time that Unreal is ‘cutout’ of a solid by default, as opposed to Q/Q2/Q3 which is creating something in a ‘void’.

Don’t know if that’s in anyway true, but I definitely believed it at the time.

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is it feasible to say create the main map in blender, bring it in, shade it etc., add details, leave all the imported meshes with no collision properties, and then seperately make all simple collision meshes (i.e. seperate simple meshes I create in UE which will have collision properties, but cannot be seen in game) - yes this is pretty similar to a no clip brush/mesh :stuck_out_tongue:

I had 2 words typed in this post, got distracted for days, now I forget what I was going to rave on about…

Anyway, yes it is feasable to create main map elsewhere and import it, except for landscape I would say as it seems not to be able to do proper collision.

Since the editor is offline at the moment I can’t give the exact words but generally…

Double click on your model in UEFN and see if the simple collision does the trick, some things like walls with windows and archways need the setting use complex collision as simple.

Testing in a launched is essential to see if they work correctly.

Use any fortmesh collision setting to make them mantleable and able to be used by things like grapple glove etc.

To make your objects as props to be usuable by prop manipulators and movers, you need to make prop blueprints and point it to your mesh and use the blueprints instead of the mesh on your level.

To make materials that do fortnite things like the breaking effect on damage, make material instances of the Fortnite Parent Material and change their textures and stuff to suit.

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no worries thanks very much.

is there an equivelant to a ‘no clip brush’

i.e. could I make for example a simple cube somewhere in the map, which would not be visible in gameplay (and preferably set to wireframe or translucent in the editor), but which would be an obstacle/collision area in the game world?

tbh I’m kinda intending most of my map to be not destructible, im planning on trying to make a very tall tower, with 5 walkways up to it, which at various points people can be seen/sniped at. I intend to eventually (not that I know how) have it that there will be a large button/switch within this tower top (which will have something which makes it hard to get into, like maybe a few vault doors or something of this nature), and to win the game, the player or team has to be the first to activate this switch.

There’s my completely messy and un planned properly ‘plan’, but that’s what I’m aiming for eventuallky.

There are a heap of collision presets in the mesh settings, so you could make mesh no clip.

The basic player blocking tool is in Fortnite/Devices folder and is called the Barrier Device, its default is a cube, but can be set to cylinder or hollow box, most times you can make a huge hollow box to contain your gameplay, or put a small box to block off an area.
Then there are user functions with devices so you can enable or disable them by timers, triggers, switches, game phases and such.
Which basically means you can tie many devices together with events to achieve certain things.

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that sounds good to me, I’m the kinda OCD who wants to define the collisions with my polys :stuck_out_tongue:

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