Imported fbx mesh receives strange material display issue after adding normal map

Hi everyone, I created a landscape in Blender and imported the file as fbx into Unreal. When adding a base color everything is displayed properly. However, when adding a normal map areas are left out (the areas which have been sculpted) and don’t show any material information. Any ideas why? I already smoothed the shadows etc. in Blender before exporting it.
I would really appreciate your thoughts! :slight_smile:

Base Color (no material display problem)

Added normal map: display problem

Looks like an uv issue. Is the uv map ok?

Thanks for your quick response @EvilCleric; You were right! It finally works now!
Do you know whether I can also adjust the Unreal default settings for my imported mesh? So, that it’s recognised as a landscape? I would like to use the landscape painting tool (layer blend etc.)

You cannot convert a mesh to a landscape ( Is there a way to convert mesh to landscape? - Content Creation - Unreal Engine Forums ).

My advice, is for you to create the heightmap in blender ( How to Bake Displacement Map Blender 2.8 Tutorial - YouTube ) and create the landscape in unreal using that map ( Creating and Using Custom Heightmaps and Layers | Unreal Engine Documentation ).