Imported FBX black after baking lights - UE5 Virtual Reality Template


When I import a .FBX object in my scene and bake the lights, the object turns all black. The object is a house. Is there anything specific I have to do when importing a .FBX object?


  • This only happens using UE5’s Virtual Reality template. When I use the First Person template (which uses Lumen) and implement VR after the fact, the house is well lit and looks fantastic.
  • The house turning black occurs only after baking. When I first drag it in the scene, it has all its textures and I see some light and shadows being casted.

Before baking (VR template):

After baking (VR template):

With Lumen (FP template):

Additional context:
Ultimately, I’m making a VR app where you can virtually visit that house. Originally, I used the First Person template and I implemented VR after the fact. It looked fantastic with lumen, but requires a PC to run. So I want to re-create the project using the VR template for it to be able to run in standalone on the Quest 3. I’m trying to achieve a similar visual as Lumen offers, using baked lights only. I’m stuck at that step: baking the lights. It makes the whole house black.

Using UE 5.3.2