Imported (albedo) textures become faded/bright when applied to mesh


I’m pretty new to the engine and have noticed that my textures (at least my albedos) are becoming faded when they are applied to a mesh. I am of course looking at them with no light influences or other texture maps attached. I am saving out as 8bit tgas with an RGB color profile. I read about some people having a similar issue when importing 16bit, but that’s not what I’m doing here.

The results are the same in the Edit window and in the level (both with lights off of course) Any ideas?
Thank you!

Hmm. I think this is just the nature of Physically Based Rendering. Diffuse != Albedo, and the workflow is a little bit different. Also, If that is a metallic material, the look will completely change based on reflections and roughness. It might just take some experimenting on your part to get the hang of how different your textures are between Photoshop and a PBR game engine. I would suggest putting it into a fully lit scene and building static lighting to truly see what the material will be like.

This video gives a pretty good intro to PBR. I’m starting it at the section for Albedo. He gets a bit technical, but you may as well learn it.

Yeah I think I just didn’t realize that the engine would modify the albedo for me. Thank you for that link, the video was useful.