Import skeletal mesh doesnt overwrite skeleton & physics asset

Im constantly importing my skeletal mesh as i need it to update the scale and locations of the bones etc.
But there is a frustrating many bugs by using the re-import option.
Many times the vertex colors dont update, and having to manually set the re-import options is a pain.
The skeletal mesh and physics assests dont update.
A few other nigglies.

So it would be great if the drag & drop method, import > overwrite > yes to all.
This should replace everything, instead at the moment my workflow is like so:

  1. delete old files
  2. force delete from the blueprints
  3. import new objects to replace ones just deleted
  4. close editor
  5. revert blueprints so that i dont have to re-setup the blueprint again
  6. open the editor and check its all working

This is a big frustration currently…

When you import a skeletal mesh that already has a skeleton, you have to select the skeleton from the drop down box. If you have nothing selected there it will generate a new one.

awesome will try this!