Import my character level into another render project

I have set up a character with all the materials/textures, etc., and I would like to import it into a scene I previously downloaded for rendering. The problem is that the downloaded rendering scene was made in an earlier version (5.3) than my character scene (5.4).

I am studying Unreal and haven’t understood how to merge two projects. I tried migrating one to the other and vice versa, but I was not successful. If I open my rendering scene, I can’t access to my character scene in the “content browser” or vice versa…

If I try to import my character’s level, I can only import it as an FBX… But I would like to merge my entire scene (with Mesh/Materials/Textures/lighting…). I am completely lost on how to merge these two scenes to do my renders.

Please explain or direct me to a link. Everything I found allows me to move an asset from one project to another, but I want to copy the entire scene.

Is there a way to import a .umap or .uproject file into an existing scene ?

Thank you to the generous soul who will enlighten me.

Hey @Aaknar! Welcome to the forums!

So a little information first:
It is generally not safe to migrate files backwards in version (5.4 to 5.3)
It can be done but it is a headache. You would have to export the character to Blender or Maya, then export it from there as .fbx and import it to the 5.3 version, and even then there’s still likelihood of a few small hiccups.

You cannot Merge two projects. A .uproject file is not mergeable with another .uproject. That’s the program, that’d be like trying to merge two .exe files.

What I would suggest is finding the rendering scene map file in 5.3, right click it and use “Asset Actions → Migrate.” Then find the 5.4 project that has your character in it, and migrate the scene there.

Hope that helps! :slight_smile:

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Hello Mind-Brain,
Big thanks for your reply and advice.
So, i tried what you suggested and it works at some point ! :grinning:
I migrated my 5.3 scene to my character level (with all assets and textures) but now I don’t have any controle on my merged scene.

Except moving the all thing around, i can’t select individual assets. It is greyed out in the outliner.
I tried to unpin the main folder but nothing happened.

Any suggestions to unlock the merged scene ?

I found it !!
Just in case for similar situation :

  • Right click on the greyed folder
  • Go to “Level” and click “Edit”

I was abble to use and edit every assets of the merged scene :grinning:

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