Import FBX files into individual Actor BPs

Hello, so I have a bunch of FBX models that I want to import. I want each of them to be its own Actor BP because I want to be able to spawn and manipulate them at runtime. I was doing a few of them manually by importing the FBX>creating an Actor BP>drag and drop the FBX’s static meshes from content browser into the Actor BP; rinse and repeat. But with about 100+ of these models, this is a lot of work.

Is there a way I can import FBX such that an Actor BP is created (with the same name as the FBX or otherwise)? Can I do this in bulk?

If not, is there an alternative way I could achieve the same thing?

Hi @laylayover

This maybe be possible but you would have to create either some c++ , maybe python script, posssibly even an editor utility blueprint.

But the time it takes you to make might be longer than thebprocess itself.

So youbwill have to weigh that up

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I need almost the same but here my Idea:

  1. Create One Single BP_Asset for each situation you need (Tree, Damage, what ever)
  2. Add a Construction Script to set the Static Mesh with a Variable
  3. Set the Variable with Actor Blueprint Utility after the BP_Assets are placed in the world

I didn’t tested this but I will need it soon by myself so I will go back here as far as I know more.

Does work well, here some Tips.

  1. Add a “Static Mesh” under your “DefaultSceneRoot”
  2. In Construction Script: “Set Static Mesh” with New Variable (“Instance Editable” must be True)

Also “Set Max Draw Distance” if needed

  1. In BP Utility: “Spawn Actor from Object” and Cast to your BP_Asset, then set your Variable that is used for “Set Static Mesh”
  2. Use “Set Folder Path” (Folder for Outliner) and “Set Actor Label” for better Organization (Actor Label means Name of the Actor)