Import/Export AR Candidate Object (Saved World)

  1. Does anybody knows what is the best way to save mapped world (World Map Data) to file?
  2. How to load or include it in later build (Lets say import it as AR Candidate Object Data)?

In short: i would like to prepare World Map Data and include it in next builds so the user will automatically get placed correctly.
This already all working on single device - If world is saved to SaveGame file and loaded with next application launch. This works absolutely brilliant, all objects stay in correct place.
However I need to include that save game in build, to be used with other devices.

Couple of ways I was testing:

  1. Make Save game -> download it from device. But the problem is - I didn’t find the way to include save game into build
  2. Save world map data to string (for later write into some kind of file). -> Then import this data as Candidate Object. Problem is with all the saving as well as getting it into candidate Object array.
  3. Maybe storing the savegames in some cloud. But didn’t test it yet.
  4. Via Game user settings - Cant’s save arrays there

Anybody has any thoughts on this?