Hi everyone, I’m in need of some dire help here. I’m working on a VR world to test the effect of ambient sound for a project, so I’ve been (attempting to!) utilizing UE5.3’s VR template. However being an absolute noob and not quite much prior experience in game development, VR or UE itself, I’m quite similar to a drowning fish currently.
Anyway, I’ve managed to successfully import a model into a new level, set up Audio Cues for the ambient soundscape etc., adjusted the World to Meters setting because the model was too small in the first place, scaled down VR Pawn to size… only to find out VR teleport doesn’t work. The raytracing line barely appears, and even so does not allow me to move. PlayerStart is also shadowed by something weird from above, and if you look down, there’s a gaping void.
Note : teleport works fine in the original template level or a new level with just Floor.
I believe this might be something to do with the state of the model (i.e it’s not being identified as a surface that can be travelled on) but I have no idea where to even begin solving this problem. Please anyone who can help me!
Scaling the pawn seems like a bad idea, also I’d avoid using ‘World To Meters’ if possible. I’d try and scale your imported level meshes to the desired size.
You might just need to add a Nav Mesh Volume.
Press ‘P’ in the default level and you’ll see it drawn in green over the floors.
Try adding some of your imported meshes to the default level (expanding NavMeshBoundsVolume if needed) and seeing if the nav-mesh is generated on those models.
Hi, thanks for the warm welcome!
Thanks for the advice regarding scaling ; deciding to redo the whole project and see if anything changes. Maybe because it’s a mistake I overlooked when importing the .fbx scene into the level.
Also, taking notes regarding the NavMesh.
Tried it, and the green areas are highlighted like this. Is this fine or does this mean my floor is somewhat floating? Note : I managed to fix the scale and all, so sizing-wise is okay, and there’s no longer the ‘seeing through the void’ phenomenon.
I seem to have some issues here, I think., because my PlayerStart is always being in the BADSIZE state at that area.
Edit : I just realized the floor does not exist?? I checked the root scene and the ‘floor’ is this floor_uses_texture (static mesh) asset. This should be the root of all my problems, as the floor itself doesn’t exist, both for locomotion and build.
That Nav-mesh is not ok. As you see in the player collision viewmode large/random collision shapes in the sky will be problematic.
In the VRTemplateMap the NavMeshBoundsVolume is not very tall, so you could try making thin nav mesh volumes over areas of the terrain.
Also the ‘BadSize’ means that the pawn is inside of a collision volume, So if it’s in the air above your ground and still says ‘BadSize’ you’ll know that you have collision problems.
The black sections after baking lights are probably due to misconfigured lightmap UVs.
Not sure what you mean with “floor does not exist”. It looks like there is a floor and it’s using the grass material.
Tried to teleport with what I have now. If I remember correctly, there should be a small glowing circle at the end of the yellow line for the teleport, but it’s not appearing - is it inside the floor? How should I fix this?
Edit + I also placed my PlayerStart somewhere different this time, but for some reason, when I attempt teleportation, I go to a totally irrelevant location, regardless where I ‘placed’ my teleport destination arrow - then get stuck.
The Teleporter line needs to hit a nav-mesh for the circle to appear. (But in this case your teleportation bug may be involved with that problem)
Infront of the stump house is where you always get teleported to on your first teleportation? I wonder if that is the world origin. (Place a cube at 0,0,0 - is that the same location?)
I think the collision of trees etc is really interfering with your NavMesh. (Note the large circle of missing navmesh around trees and other objects) - There is a ‘CanEverAffectNavigation’ checkbox on the meshes that can be disabled to help clean it up.
Thanks so much for this piece of crucial clue! I tried turning off for some of the assets and tried adjusting cell height/agent radius/agent step height etc. but the NavMeshes remained blocky. However, this made me understand that it IS issues with the generated collision that made NavMesh so unresponsive.
Due to project objectives I decided to change from Teleportation to Smooth Locomotion anyway, but still had issues because of the Collisions™.
So after watching some tutorials for importing FBX into UE, this is what I ended up doing to solve the issue
Open a new project in First-player Mode
Imported the (re-scaled, UV Smart Projected in Blender) .fbx file into the Content Browser [ did NOT use 'Import into Level’ ] - unchecking ‘Generate Collisions Automatically’.
Moved all Static Meshes into a Mesh folder, drag into 1st Player Template to represent the scene (here some materials are not transferred properly, but that’s a different problem to cry about later when building the lighting LOL)
Manually built collisions for assets requiring them (e.g. floor, mountains, bridges and whatever else I deemed important enough for player interaction) by selecting each Static Mesh in the SM Editor, adding 10DOP-X Simplified Collision, and then changing Collusion Complexity to ‘Use Complex Collision As Simple’ in Details settings.
Made sure my First Player Character moved around correctly (not going through non-collisioned meshes, etc) before adding VR template to project and enabling OpenXR plugin.
Added Smooth Locomotion to VR Character
and voila, I managed to travel around in the world without problems! (except for slight VR sickness haha)
Note : If I decided to keep Teleport locomotion however, step 6 would be making sure my NavMesh(es) encompassed the entirety of the main floor and mountains with collisions for the Teleport to work.
It would have been faster to just do steps 1-4 directly in the VR Template (or delete the bad collisions settings and work manually from there) but was a bit ‘traumatized’ by previous attempts Might as well do it from scratch.
TLDR : My teleportation/locomotion issues were caused by malfunctioning collisions that caused incorrect NavMesh navigational paths. Solved by creating collisions from scratch for assets crucial to navigation (e.g. floor, blockades) only.
Now on to solving the baking lights issues!
Thank you Astrotronic and VictorLerp for guidance.