Implementing Variable Item Distribution with "item_granter_device" - Possible in Verse or Other Tools?

Hello everyone,

I’ve reached a point in my project where I need to distribute a variable number of items using an “item_granter_device” within a program I am developing, potentially using Verse or another relevant tool.

My questions is:
Is there a function in Verse or a device that dynamically vary the number of items distributed via an “item_granter_device”?

Any advice or insights on best practices or approaches would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance!


One option could be to create an array of item_granter_devices, then use GetRandomInt() from the Random module to set a random variable that alternates the number of devices and the items being granted. You could also just use one item_granter_device and then randomly select the index value of the array to select whatever it is you wish to distribute. I would think that GetRandomInt would be a part of whatever the solution is.