There is this feature in UE, that editor notifies you when ever you copy some image inside the contents folder and asks if you want to import new textures. What I’m trying to do is, I want to have a similar notification popup inside editor which asks if I want to create a new landscape based on the recently copied image as its heightmap (if it is a heightmap that is).
Currently I have no clue where to look for, what to look for, and if it’s even a viable thing to do. I don’t know if you should alter the source code of the engine and build the customized version for it to happen, or there is some kind of functionality exposed to do this in the context of a C++ class inherited from AActor for example. I would appreciate any help.
If the question is not clear, let me know.
Here’s a tutorial post on creating custom notifications :
Thank you for your quick reply.
Links you have mentioned are great, but there is a technical difficulty regarding my question. I need to have access to some sort of an event, which will fire whenever a new file is added to let’s say Contents/ directory. Only then I can use the FSlateNotificationManager
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Yeah, I don’t really have any knowledge about any of this really, just remembered seeing those posts some while ago . Hopefully someone else here has more info.
Well I’m glad you shared it with me. Thank you!
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