What’s the best workflow for implementing your own Mover character? Preferably, I would like to make mine somewhat flexible to future plugin updates. I’m leaning towards implementing APawn & IMoverInputProducerInterface, just like the example class.
I.e. MoverExamplesCharacter base class: class MOVEREXAMPLES_API AMoverExamplesCharacter : public APawn, public IMoverInputProducerInterface
My class: class MYMOVER_API AMyMoverCharacter : public APawn, public IMoverInputProducerInterface
I think you’re leaning in the right direction. I’m also looking into the Mover plugin.
I started out copying some of the MoverExample code and make it work in a test project.
Then analyze how everything is tied together and slowly separate the parts (mainly Inputs and the rest of the Pawn).
Some cleanup later I have a simple MoverCharacter that only handles Mover stuff, and a BaseCharacter that holds the rest of the ACharacter based components (Collision, Mesh, Camera, etc.).
This, I think, makes it easy to extend Mover and/or act on any (breaking) changes Epic makes during development.