When I did the photo alignment, the alignment was completed, but the component was created upside down. I am trying to map a vehicle with photos, and the photos I used are normal, but the created component is upside down and tilted. I have attached the photos below.
Why does this error occur, and is there a way to fix it?
That only used DSLR photo images, and the same error occurs even when using drone images.
Please tell me how to fix it.
Hello @yoonjongchae
How are you capturing your images? Are you rotating the camera horizontally or vertically?
You can try to add more images to help RealityCapture to realise, what is the ground taking more landscape images.
Also, you can set the ground plane to a wanted position: RealityCapture Help
질문하였던, 뒤집힌 문제는 set ground plane 기능으로 원상복구 하였습니다.
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