Just started playing with UE4 after years (learned it in school game programming) feels like it is completely unusable on Mojava running on my iMac Pro, feels slower than a computer with 500MB of RAM.
Not sure if there is a special setting, or if I’m the only one attempting to use this engine on an iMac Pro and it hasn’t been tested but lag time like 10+ mins to perform actions, constantly locking out the entire OS. Curious should I wait for a later more tested version? Move to Unity3D (really don’t want to)?
PS: I have tried building the engine from source and still super slow, like it would take me 3 weeks to build a simple room slow.
Switching to a Windows machine is just not an option after not touching one since 2008.
Ok I suppose the answer is to move to Unity for the time being as their editor/engine works super fast on Mac… I’ll keep monitoring the unreal releases and hopefully the performance issues are addressed in the future.
Same experience here on Mac (MBP2017 with egpu/vega64). Totally thrashing the system, long freezes where I cannot even swich out of UE4 etc. Especially extreme with the material editor that is not usable at all since every change means 30s of waiting with the mouse pointer frozen. I had to move to Windows to be able to finish the project I was on. New projects will be Unity since it works great on Mac as well.
An update: Making a clean first person project and leaving it “as is” works. Material editor as well as other stuff seems to work as expected with no delays or freezes. But older projects that I updated to 4.21.2 has these weird freezes mentioned above.
More info: When opening the new project a second time, everything is back to lock ups and freezes making it unusable. I have now submitted this as a bug using the official means.
Yeah opening an existing project is miss leading as soon as you start making changes to it or adding a new C++ class things start hanging badly.
Unreal Engine on Mac is garbage - slow and buggy.