Hi. I’ve used the teleport node to use the doors in my game. It worked for the first door. But when I copy pasted the command to the second door and changed the value of that teleport node there, both of the doors now teleport me to the same area (aka just infront of the first door)
They are clearly different, but it always teleports me to the same area. It’s almost as if it’s using the same Dest Location values even though it’s not.
So… if you place a Print String node after teleport, I bet it will not print. Do tell.
I tested the Print String. It only prints the string of one of the doors. (Which makes me stuck on one room)
Is there a reason why the door is handling player input?
That’s the only thing I could think of that could make sense. If I just copy paste this command to every door and just change the dest location values it should work.
Use a billboard to indicate the target location. So you can now place many doors in the editor and move (and rotate) their billboard to where you need that door to teleport: