I’m getting an error while packing guys what is the reason i need urgent help
A similar situation
So could be and old android ndk version
l did as you said,but l didn’t get any errors, but it has been going on for hours and has been going on like this for a few hours, do you think there is a problem? ıf there is no problem,when will this peocess end?
Perhaps try deleting
- DerivedDataCache
- Intermediate
- Saved
- Binaries (if present)
and rebuilding the project. You could have had stale data in the cache that is causing the pack to have errors (just an assumption). This could be stopping the pack from progressing because it could have left over data from the old android files.
how do i clear the cache sir and can you look at my question
The folders that I listed can be deleted without any worry. They will be rebuilt on project launch.
The materials are still there, but for some reason the colors are gone, what do you think should I do?(where did I go wrong?)
Also, if I don’t delete these folders, will the game size increase?
The folder I stated can be deleted (the dont effect the project).
If you want to upload the project or achive it, then it will take up less space.
These folders will be recreated once you launch your project so it won’t save space in the long term.
As for the missing textures they should not be saved in any of the folders I mentioned.