IKinema for VR

Could I ask what you mean by “when another player looking at you it’s very bad”, I assume it’s in a networked setting. For your last point if you tick the “disable low latency input” for each motion controller in your character blueprint it should remove the lag you mention.

Thank you,
I’ll try “disable low latency input” and what’s this for ? by disabling this what’ll happens?

I didn’t test it over network yet but i test in a mirror you can see how it looks in attached picture, it’s not very clear but when player going to aim it’s very bad…

It’s really hard to see what’s going on in that picture. When you are in first person mode does it look ok? Are you getting solving as expected?


Any tip or documentation for VR full body tracking?? I mean, using Vive trackers for foots and hips. Should I use the VR solver or the normal solver??


you might be mixing up our newly announced project Orion with RunTime. RunTime enables upper body tracking (with the traditional HMD and 2x Motion Controller setups) and IK solving for VR in Unreal. Orion is the full body tracking solution intended for mocap applications which is not supported in Unreal.